What’s a cash-strapped parent to do? Using targeted, intentional strategies for spending less on unnecessary products is a start.

Even if you like your job, you can still look for better prospects, both financially and personally. Every journey starts with a first step.

Single folks and couples alike will usually find ways to save money if their financial situation requires it.

Focusing on things that aren’t too expensive is one strategy that could help more people save extra dollars this year.

Have you been meaning to return a couple of items at the start of the new year? Consider the following information before making your returns.

These tips, from financial experts, can help you work towards making smarter financial decisions this year.

Do you want to be better with your money in the new year? If you do, we recommend a realistic path, starting with the following six lessons.

Create a shopping strategy before heading online or out to the mall. An itemized holiday budget can help you choose how and where to make this year’s purchases.

The following six tips could help you stay calm as you talk to your family about money.

You are never too young to plan for your retirement years. Here is how you can get started.

Fall is in full swing. if you are looking for a little inspiration to get out the door and soak up your surroundings, here are a couple of suggestions for free and cheap ways to have fun this autumn.

Even if you think you could never be scammed, it is still important to pay attention to how scams happen. Learning about scamming tactics can help you protect yourself and your money.

Bargaining – or negotiating – starts at home. So why not bargain intentionally in a way that teaches your child smart lessons and also reinforces your values and boundaries?

Celebrated in September, Labor Day commemorates a variety of rights that labor activists fought for in Chicago and elsewhere in the 1880s and 1890s. It also impacts your money today – in many ways.

As families struggle with inflation, they also need to figure out how to cover the costs of their kids’ back-to-school expenses. Here are five steps to make sure you get what you need without overspending.

Staying entertained doesn’t have to cost a ton. There are plenty of ways to have fun during the warmer months. Here are a couple of fun things you can do before summer ends in the Midwest.

Should I continue to carry around cash? If you’re wondering whether you still need to carry cash – or whether it is no longer useful, you should take the following information into consideration.

You do not need to spend a lot of money to have fun during the summer. If you have been looking for ways to save money on summer entertainment, consider checking out the following information.

While financial conflicts are common among long-term couples, that does not mean that these conflicts are unavoidable. Here are six ways couples can avoid financial conflict.

Receiving an unexpectedly high bill after a trip is not great. If you are planning a summer trip, consider taking some time to look into hidden travel fees. Here is some information to help you get started.

Nowadays more people are looking for different ways to save money. If you’re also looking for new ideas to help you save a dollar or two, check out these three ways younger people are saving money.

Our modern way of living has introduced some newer financial struggles that everyone should know about. Start educating yourself about some of the most common challenges here.

Fake sales tactics are making it even harder to recognize a good deal when you see one. Below are some signs a company or sales team is trying to present sales that aren’t legitimate.

Canceling unneeded expenses doesn’t have to last forever – just long enough to pay off your credit cards and other debt. If you’re unsure where to cut the cord, below are a few possible places to start.

While there is a lot of freedom in the gig economy, there are some particulars workers should know about when managing their finances. Here is what gig workers need to know about their personal finances.

One strategy for avoiding late fees is to know when you’re most at risk of owing late fees so you can plan accordingly or reconsider your financial decisions. Here are some tips for avoiding late fees.

It may seem obvious to an adult, but simple conversations can create a deeper understanding of different uses of money, helping kids learn to make smart financial decisions.

To get a handle of your personal finance situation, take a look at six of the smartest ways people can start saving more of their dollars today.

Do you tend to hunker down at home once the temperatures dip below freezing? Here in the Midwest, we need to find ways to enjoy ourselves throughout the winter. You can start by looking through these ideas.

Everyone should enjoy their hard-earned money. If you suspect you’re wasting your money, know that you are not alone. There are many steps you can take to get your finances back on track this year.

Looking for ways to spend a little less on holiday shopping this year? You’re not alone. Here are some ideas that can help you avoid overspending on gifts this holiday season.

Holiday entertainment doesn’t have to be expensive. Some of the best things worth experiencing this time of year cost little or nothing at all. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Many people practice gratitude on a daily basis, believing it to be central to living a healthy lifestyle. People can start practicing gratitude by learning what constitutes an attitude of gratitude – and some of the smaller steps they can practice to achieve it.

Between gas prices and auto insurance, owning and driving a car is expensive. Moving forward, keep an eye out for these pesky, top three money-suckers so you get to keep, and spend, every dollar you make.

There are countless ways to enjoy the weather, beauty and local cultures throughout the Midwest. And with many things happening throughout the fall season, it’s all about the scenery and the fun experiences that bring people together.

While much of financial fraud takes place online, a lot still happens the old fashioned way – through our postal system. Paper checks may not be as common as mobile payment apps, but it is nevertheless wise to protect yourself from fraud.

Who wouldn’t want access to free books, music and movies every week of the year? There are over 8 million books in rotation through the Chicago Public Library alone. Why not contact your public library to find out what’s available to you and your family?

The rising cost of food has been one of the bigger financial stressors on families. You may be wondering what else you can do to more easily pay for your children’s meals this year. Here is some helpful advice that you can consider for this school year.

In today’s world of online spending, it’s easy to get in debt and harder to get out of it. If you’re struggling to get out of debt, it’s essential to identify your spending mistakes and commit to eliminating them. Here are some of the most common spending mistakes people make and how to avoid them.

Before you run out and purchase everything on that long list sent to you from the school, take a few moments to consider other, more cost-efficient ways to approach your back-to-school shopping. Community Currency Exchange Association offers helpful tips for spending less on back to school supplies.

When travel partners have different spending habits or financial circumstances, it’s important to address these differences and find a balance between enjoying your vacation and not breaking the bank. Doing so will not only keep you from overspending, assuming you’re the one with less cash to spare, but it can also help preserve an important relationship in your life.

Summer in the Midwest is a magical season of clear blue skies, warm sunshine and countless ways to enjoy the warmth with friends and family. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative and affordable ways to enjoy summer in the Midwest, whether you’re on a tight budget or just trying to economize.

Has your spending gotten a bit out of control? If you tend to overspend, here are some practical ways to start dealing with your problem, for once and for all.

Finding less expensive ways to go on vacation is more important than ever. By trying a few smart planning strategies, you can make your summer vacation more affordable without compromising on the quality of your experience.

To protect your hard-earned dollars, read below to find out what the law says about making returns. Understanding the differences between return policies may help you decide where and whether to make your next purchase.

Spring is a season of renewal, and for boaters in the Great Lakes region, that means getting ready to hit the water. Taking the time to prepare your boat not only keeps your boat in better condition, but it will also help extend the life of your boat.

Most people in the US – two-thirds, to be specific – are concerned about their personal finances. While the reasons are complex and very real, there are still ways to control the cost of living, depending on where you are.

Tax season is upon us, and that can be stressful enough without having to wonder if you’re doing yours right. As you sort fact from fiction, keep in mind: there are many tax myths and misconceptions one might hear at work or read online. And they can lead to costly mistakes if not addressed head-on.

Spending can become an addiction, just like any other unhealthy habit that’s hard to break. There is even a word for it: oniomania. If you’re unsure whether you have a problem, here are some telltale signs to look for.

Some people inherit wealth. Others occasionally obtain cash through luck. But, believe it or not, many affluent people began with a modest sum of money and gradually expanded their riches strategically.

These days, sending money to someone – whether for personal or professional reasons – can be confusing if you don’t know the right way to do it. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to send money to someone no matter where they’re located.

The holiday season is upon us – and all the ads and wintery decorations can pressure people into believing they need to purchase things they can’t necessarily afford. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the season without spending a fortune.

Community Currency Exchange Association discusses how things can be rented out for a fee, and how people can earn money from renting things out.

Does all your paycheck money go right back out? Community Currency Exchange Association’s blog explains what it means to live paycheck to paycheck.

There may be small steps you and/or your family can take to cut down a bit on those hefty grocery bills.

By starting with these tips, you should be well on your way to saving up for your educational goals – and reducing your financial stress, as well.

A growing trend known as “buy now pay later” (BNPL) is aimed at getting more dollars out of young people. While the convenience of an easy purchase does appeal to many shoppers, there are potential downsides that may not be apparent.

A college degree can open doors to a number of careers, but the decision to go to college isn’t always an easy one, especially for people who will struggle to finance their degree.

Even when times are tight, many people still prioritize giving monetary support to their friends and loved ones abroad through electronic money transfers.

Most Americans planned some form of leisure travel this summer, but not everyone has made it happen. Yet. Here are some ideas to help folks yearning to leave town think further outside the box.

A contingency budget is an important tool to help families plan for the unexpected. Contingency is just a way of describing something that could happen in the future but can’t be predicted with certainty.

Ever wonder how some people get to be so financially independent? It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but it can be worth it.

Even a simple camping trip can bring unexpected expenses. Plan with an eye toward smart budgeting and small actions that can save you dollars.

If you feel overwhelmed over what to do with your school-age children, you are not alone. Just don’t assume you need to spend a lot of your hard-earned dollars on summer activities to occupy your youngsters or teens.

The use of robots in the workforce has skyrocketed in the last decade, but the trend appears focused on specific locations and sectors.

Financial fraud is on the rise, leaving folks wondering what they can do to keep themselves from becoming victims. Now more than ever, it’s important to know the signs to keep from being victimized.

The disruption of certain global supply chains can take a toll on individual households. Here are areas in which your family may be lacking or feeling financially pinched, thanks to supply chain issues.

The U.S. Small Business Administration provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. Here’s how the SBA breaks down the basics for starting your own business.

Any nearby Currency Exchange can help you get ready to explore the land of Lincoln. At Community Currency Exchange Association (CCEA), we believe a day trip can be patriotic and historic as well as fun and entertaining.

Things can get a little stir crazy during the winter months. If you’re looking for inspiration to take your kid to the library or to swing by solo, we have a few ideas that you can borrow.

Next time you’re headed abroad, familiarizing yourself with the local currency will be a great way to prepare for your trip.

People often have one of two approaches to understanding taxes: either avoid the topic or pay someone else to understand it. That’s why we’re kicking off the year with a simple yet helpful guide to a subject that affects just about everyone.

The return of live events, office life, and the upcoming holiday season are certainly reasons to celebrate. The only downside is having to commute, travel to events, and deal with parking once you get there. For residents in need of options, Pace Suburban Bus is a suburban commuter and paratransit service that fills in the gaps in Chicago’s suburbs.

As you prepare to clean, drain, and winterize your boat, you’ll need to follow a thorough checklist before putting old faithful back in storage.

Following these tips for working from home can help to stretch your hard-earned dollars further and make sure you’re financially protected.

Last year, all-electronic tolling was implemented to protect workers and consumers from the pandemic. Turns out cashless tolling is here to stay.

Having something notarized certifies that it’s authentic and properly executed to show that your document isn’t a fraud.

When you can’t pay down your debts, debt settlement has some potential upsides. Learn about the pros and cons here.

Americans are back to spending their dollars, both in person and online. Now, there are more ways than ever to compare shopping prices.

It’s time for back-to-school ads and lists. For many families, they’re a reminder of the many educational costs to come – and to start budgeting accordingly.

We all deserve to get away this summer. And you don’t need to go far to find amazing destinations right here in the Midwest.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and a whole lot of people reinvented their spending habits in 2020. Our lives were turned upside down, and as a result there were major changes to how we shop and spend, as well as save.

If someone uses your personal or financial information without your permission, you’re the victim of identity theft, and few things are more frustrating than having to clear your name of fraud.

There’s no shame in a low credit score. It’s actually quite common, especially among young people. But the consequences of a lagging score over many years may eventually catch up to you.

Investing isn’t just for the rich. There are many ways to make your dollars, or nickels, work for you. Inexperienced investors can set aside and grow even a small amount of cash by gradually building on their returns.

Odds are, there’s a currency exchange nearby. Did you know they do even more than helping you with your funds? Here are six of the most common reasons to visit.

For over 40 years the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (DFPR) has had the authority and responsibility to set the maximum rates community currency exchanges (CE’s) can charge a customer for cashing a check.

Credit is as American as apple pie. It represents an agreement you’re probably familiar with, in which you agree to pay someday for money you’re using now. But biting off too much can weigh you down.

A lot of sweat goes into running a small business. You’d think accepting payment for your services would be the easy part.

Owe someone a few hundred bucks? That wad of cash burning a hole in your pocket may not be the safest way to pay them back. Let us help you get your money to wherever it needs to go as quickly and safely as possible.

There’s only one thing better than a new set of wheels – legally being able to drive it. Keeping your car or boat registered helps you avoid fines and lets officials know you’re on the right side of the law. But stickers, titles, and waiting in long lines to get them processed can be a drag.

When it comes to paying employees, there are few payment methods employers can choose from, paper checks and direct deposit being two of the most popular.

Everyone worries about money from time to time. But when the worry becomes persistent, it starts to impact our lives in a more significant way than we may realize. If this sounds all too familiar to you, you may be experiencing financial stress.

Sometimes the most significant change you can make to improve your finances is also the easiest. When it comes to managing your money, setting up your personal finances is the first step toward financial success.

Making sure your taxes are filed properly is the best way to decrease your stress and increase the size of your tax refund. Luckily, it only takes 5 simple steps to get from start to finish.

If you’re planning a vacation, you have a lot to think about. One of the most important things to consider is how you’ll pay for stuff when you’re enjoying all the entertainment and hospitality in a foreign country. Even if you’re prepared with lots of credit cards, you still want to have some cash on hand for a lot of different reasons.

2020 has been a pretty rough year for everyone. Because of the stress this year has put on everyone’s minds, bodies, and wallets, it’s all the more reason to bring in 2021 with some New Year resolutions! And what better plans to resolve to than ones that will save you money.

We’ve all been there before—you encounter a financial term that you aren’t exactly sure about. When it comes to finances and particularly credit cards, there’s no shortage of rules and terms that can seem opaque and tricky. A credit card cash advance is one of those terms. Luckily, it’s a more straightforward concept than it seems.

When the holidays roll around, it’s an exciting and enjoyable time for everyone. Yet, some of us can feel restricted by our budget when it comes to gift giving. Don’t let your finances dampen your holiday fun. Our budget conscious gift guide will keep you focused on what really matters during the holidays—your loved ones.

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Illinois as well as other government agencies requested that all currency exchanges remain open as an essential business for the communities in which they were located.

For over 80 years, the currency exchange industry in Illinois has provided check cashing services as well as numerous other financial products to citizens in communities across the state.

Sometimes the concept of saving money is easier said than done, and people are often under the misconception that they need to open a bank account to do so. However, with the right guidance and tactics, anyone can save money and a bank account is not always needed.

Sometimes the concept of saving money is easier said than done, and people are often under the misconception that they need to open a bank account to do so. However, with the right guidance and tactics, anyone can save money and a bank account is not always needed.

Sometimes the concept of saving money is easier said than done, and people are often under the misconception that they need to open a bank account to do so. However, with the right guidance and tactics, anyone can save money and a bank account is not always needed.

This month, we’re honoring National College Savings Month with tips to help you save for college.

Whether you’re helping out a friend in need or covering your half of that dinner out last week you have a lot of options when you need to transfer money person to person these days. We’re going to cover some of the most popular, fastest, and cheapest methods.

With the return of the school year, comes the need for school supplies. And Back 2 School Illinois needs your help to provide students with the school supply kits they need to have a productive school year!

Everyone has to pay bills, but not everyone has a bank account. Thankfully, there’s still plenty of options to make those payments without a bank account. We’ll talk about some of the easiest ways to do this so you can pick the one that works best for you.

If you’ve found yourself in a pinch lately and need to make money now, here’s a few ideas for legitimate ways to make money fast – depending on what “fast” means for you and your situation.

Checks might not be used a lot anymore, but they still have their place and time. We’re going to fill you in on the basics of a check so that if you want or need to, you’ll know how to use one.

If you’re looking for a fast way to save on expenses this month, reset your budget, stop out of control spending, or even just have a good ole’ challenge to do, a 30-day no spend challenge is for you!

Every month, we’re highlighting one of our Currency Exchange members. This means you can find super convenient locations close to you where you know you’ll get fast, friendly, and amazing service for all your financial needs! This month’s Member Spotlight is…

Prepaid debit cards and credit cards are alike in a lot of ways, and because of this, it might be easy to get the two confused. We’re shedding some light on how they’re different and several reasons why a prepaid debit card might be the better choice for you.

Every month, we’re highlighting one of our Currency Exchange members. This means you can find super convenient locations close to you where you know you’ll get fast, friendly, and amazing service for all your financial needs! This month’s Member Spotlight is…

April is National Financial Literacy Month, a month-long observation in the United States to highlight the importance of financial education and to teach financial responsibility. There’s no better time to start educating your kids on finances, saving, and being fiscally responsible.

Every month, we’re highlighting one of our Currency Exchange members. This means you can find super convenient locations close to you where you know you’ll get fast, friendly, and amazing service for all your financial needs! This month’s Member Spotlight is…

When you’ve got a check to cash, the last thing you want to do is wait 7-10 business days or more for access to your funds. Banks are notorious for holding funds, and it can be incredibly frustrating. However, check cashing places make it easy to get your cash right away.

Every month, we’re highlighting one of our Currency Exchange members. This means you can find super convenient locations close to you where you know you’ll get fast, friendly, and amazing service for all your financial needs! This month’s Member Spotlight is…

We’re at the heart of every single community we’re located in. Why? Because we care about more than just having your business. We want to help you succeed in life, no matter where your dreams take you. Take a minute to get to know Community Currency Exchange.
Every month, we’re highlighting one of our Currency Exchange members. This means you can find super convenient locations close to you where you know you’ll get fast, friendly, and amazing service for all your financial needs! This month’s Member Spotlight is…

83% of employees surveyed said they expected to receive a bonus in 2019. So before you head off on a shopping spree or a cross-country vacation, you’ll want to do these three things with that bonus check.

We are thrilled to announce that there will be a new Spotlight blog post coming your way every single month featuring one of our very own Currency Exchange member stores! This means YOU can be featured here! If you’ve been looking for a way to get your store’s message out even further, this is it.

Gift giving can either leave you feeling warm and fuzzy or down right miserable. And it’s all based on how you handle your money when shopping for others. This holiday season, we’ve got 5 tips to help you stay on budget. (So you can go ahead and start enjoying those warm and fuzzies right now.)
With over 350 locations, many open nights, weekends, and holidays (and several stores with 24/7 availability), you can rest easy knowing your financial needs can be taken care of when you need them most. We’re in the heart of every community. Don’t believe us? See for yourself.