Receiving an unexpectedly high bill after a trip is not great. If you are planning a summer trip, consider taking some time to look into hidden travel fees. Here is some information to help you get started.
Category Archives: Financial Education
How Are Young People Saving Money?
Nowadays more people are looking for different ways to save money. If you’re also looking for new ideas to help you save a dollar or two, check out these three ways younger people are saving money.
Financial Struggles People Worry About More Than Before
Our modern way of living has introduced some newer financial struggles that everyone should know about. Start educating yourself about some of the most common challenges here.
Beware Fake “Sales” Tactics
Fake sales tactics are making it even harder to recognize a good deal when you see one. Below are some signs a company or sales team is trying to present sales that aren’t legitimate.
What Gig Workers Need to Know about Personal Finance
While there is a lot of freedom in the gig economy, there are some particulars workers should know about when managing their finances. Here is what gig workers need to know about their personal finances.
Worried Your Kid Might Be Bad with Money? Here’s What to Do
It may seem obvious to an adult, but simple conversations can create a deeper understanding of different uses of money, helping kids learn to make smart financial decisions.
Avoid These Mistakes to Get Out of Debt
In today’s world of online spending, it’s easy to get in debt and harder to get out of it. If you’re struggling to get out of debt, it’s essential to identify your spending mistakes and commit to eliminating them. Here are some of the most common spending mistakes people make and how to avoid them.
Return Policies: What You Should Know
To protect your hard-earned dollars, read below to find out what the law says about making returns. Understanding the differences between return policies may help you decide where and whether to make your next purchase.
4 Reasons Life in the Midwest is Cheaper than You Might Think
Most people in the US – two-thirds, to be specific – are concerned about their personal finances. While the reasons are complex and very real, there are still ways to control the cost of living, depending on where you are.
Common Myths & Misconceptions about Doing Taxes
Tax season is upon us, and that can be stressful enough without having to wonder if you’re doing yours right. As you sort fact from fiction, keep in mind: there are many tax myths and misconceptions one might hear at work or read online. And they can lead to costly mistakes if not addressed head-on.