Western Union (Better Caller Experience for Agents through Self-Service IVA)
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Exceptional Caller Experience is the objective of upgrading WU’s Interactive Voice Assistant (IVA). The new IVA, rolling out in March 2021, will make it easier for Agents to communicate what they need — in their own words – when they call WU Agent Support.

Enhancements include:
Improved Agent Self-Service features:
- Loyalty Redemption
- Lookup Status
- Password Reset

Improved caller experience & measurement: The new IVA detects unclear call reasons and when the Agent needs help from a WU Customer Service Representative (CSR), automatically transferring Agents to a CSR– Agents do not need to select multiple options to get the help they need

Call recordings & conversion metrics for IVA calls – with this modern tool, WU now has better data to measure quality, conversion success and to iteratively improve the IVA’s performance.

Language support – The new IVA recognizes Agents speaking English, Spanish and French Canadian

Estimated rollout for IVA is mid-March 2021 with additional Self-Service enhancements, such as Name Change, EPL Change and Cancel & Refund, expected in Q2 2021.

Thank you

Jim Bolker

KAE Chicago

Cell: 779-230-9527